I really, really love this arcade game, so much so that me and my dad have made a real version of it out of wood and card board!
I finally managed to get to the final and win the Tehkan world cup! (My dad has been trying to do this since he was 7 years old!!!)
First i’ll beat mum in a 1 v 1 game on the arcade machine I made ๐
Now to beat the game and win the world cup ๐ 7 rounds, each one harder than the previous one.
Lots of people have asked questions about how we got two trackballs working.
We used MAME, and within mame.ini there is a section to enable multimouse support (The trackballs are essentially mice)
just set multimouse to “1” to enable two trackballs to work
i love this game too. Itยดs my preferer arcade game of the all time.
Your machine is amazing!!!! Can you tell me how you made it?
I would love to see pictures from inside.
what kind of electronic did you use? Jamma board, computer, raspberry pi?
Hi Javier, This was a project me and my dad made. (It is one of his favorite games too) We used a strong cardboard box! This is a “cardcade” machine!
Inside we used a PC, TFT Monitor and strengthened it up with MDF wood. We used real arcade buttons and wired them to a Mini Pac for use with MAME.
The expensive parts were the USB trackballs made by HAPP but these were essential for the game to be realistic.
We then painted it and added the stickers.
I will take some photos for you and add them to one of my blogs.
If you have any pictures or videos of you playing Tehkan I would love to see them and share them on my website!
Can you please tell me how you got the 2 trackballs to work .Iv built my own with raspberry pi and happ trackballs but can only get 1 to work please help
I had to enable multimouse support in the mame.ini
I have updated the Tehkan World Cup post to add the information
You managed to use two trackballs with a Rasopberry. How did you do it?
I’m using a PC, not a Rapberry Pi.
In mame.ini you set: multimouse 1
This will allow each trackball device to be seen separately, they’ll be called mouse 1 & mouse 2. The device order can possibly change, especially if you unplug them or plug then into different USB ports. You can assign mouse number to device based on hardware ID so this doesn’t change.
My favourite ever game!
Did you ever do a build write up, if not I still love to see one.